
Kraftsamling på Tjeldbergodden


Velkommen til Kraftsamling på Tjeldbergodden onsdag 28. september 2022 kl. 10.30. Møtet er åpent for alle interesserte og det er ingen påmelding.Read more

Nye muligheter for vekst på Tjeldbergodden og Nordlandet


Velkommen til Nordlandet Grendahus mandag 30. mai 2022. Møtet er åpent for alle interesserte. Ingen påmelding.Read more

Næringslivssamling og 30-årsjubileum Tjeldbergodden 28. februar 2022


Velkommen til næringslivssamling og 30-årsjubileum for Tjeldbergodden på Nordlandet Grendahus mandag 28. februar 2022. Arrangementet er åpent for alle interesserte. Ingen påmelding.Read more

Tjeldbergodden Utvikling AS (TBU)

TBU is a development company which has as its goal to create increased industrial activity at Tjeldbergodden and the surrounding region.

At Tjeldbergodden you have a wealth of access to energy resources and other industrial factors which can create a foundation for new and exciting projects. This is especially true for process-industry and marine production.

TBU in its current form was established in 2006, when important actors for increased industrial activity at Tjeldbergodden united their efforts in a common development company.

Our main focus areas are:

To continue developing the Biopark in cooperation with the companies which have land-based operations on the industrial area.

To be point of contact, marketing agent and partner for industrial actors who are considering Tjeldbergodden for establishing new production.

To work towards competitive conditions for industrial value-creation based on natural gas.


Tjeldbergodden in 2 minutes.