iLaks: “Will be quite a large production on land”

Everything indicates that there will be a sizeable production on land.

This development is something Njord Salmon intends to take part in.

Finn Christian Skjennum, administrative director in the post-smolt producer Njord Salmon, thinks that a plateauing of traditional production of salmon in the ocean will be an enabling factor for production on shore.

  • We can see that some production will eventually go offshore, but some will also go onshore, he states at todays “Sats Marint”-conference in Bergen.
  • The costs are now the same. A land-based investment will realistically cost the same as purchasing a license and developing this, he says, and adds: All factors indicate that there will also be a sizeable production on land.
  • Those who operate in the ocean will continue doing so. It’s not as if one will be moving a million tons onto land, he adds.


Warm water
Njord Salmon currently operates a facility on Tjeldbergodden which uses cooling water from the industrial plant in the production of post-smolt.

  • We delivered one and a half million smolt the last two years. We receive smolt at 80 grams and deliver at 600 to 700 grams.

The company is also engaged in development of bergylt-farming.

  • This is another thing we’re invested in. We need two legs to stand on, says Skjennum, and adds that one of the neighbours are farming lumpfish.
  • We don’t have very many species in Norway.

The warm cooling water is central in the production.

  • We use about all the cooling water that is available. It’s in our case about 500 tons per hour.

Read the full article here:

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